Monday, September 23, 2019

The most embarrasing moment i'm willing to admit.

hi  everybody , today i´ll talk to you about an embarrasing moment of my life that happened  when i was 14 years old ( we are talking about the year 2010 moreless) ,all this begin with my high school´s aniversary, in my high school we used to do some competitions and championships like football,basketball, disguise parties,food competition  in those days,and as you can guess obviously we have to had an alliance´s pet,i was new in school (all this happened in first year) i met new people , so funny and really rally good friends,so one day when was in break the guys asked me "hey ,why dont you are the pet of the alliance ?..." when i heared that i thought " never my dear friend," but i was so excited to met new people and a new place that when i realized  from my mouth went out the words : "ok why not?" hahaha,when i answered  my friends told me  "nice,the competitions begin in 20 min" so i was like "ohhh what did i do?". Just to continue the story: have you ever heared of smurfs? well i guess you can imagine where´s the story is going to...
Some girls from my class came and gave me a white pants,a blue shirt,blue paint,and as the cherry of the cake a beautiful white plastic bag from supermarket (lider) which i used as a cap (yeah imagine your worst nightmares and gave them a blue color hahaha) i was ready with the outfit so i follow the girls to the  football field ,we were five pets (incluiding me) ,barney the dinosaur, a banana man ,the yellow bird of plaza sesamo,"el chapulin colorado" (the red grasshoper) and finally me hahaha,we have a competition where  we have to play football but blinded, yeah it wasn´t the best idea of the world but hey we were child,you have to live when u have the oportunity ,at last we lost the match but at least i wasn´t tackled like the poor barney hahaha, it was a really embarrasing moment at the beginning but when we started to play everyone went so crazy that i just could laugh of everything was happening, its a really good memory now that im thinking about it .

                                          a representation of that mitical moment...
Resultado de imagen para tacleada a barney el dinosaurio

Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

Imagen relacionada

since i came to college i´ve had a lot of subject , chemistry, stadistic, english, but if i had to choose just one i´ll choose with closed eyes the biology subject, i always used to read scientific articules,when i was 12 year old (moreless, im not sure) i was in a scientific academy and here in college  i had the good luck of have as a teacher jennifer avalos, compared to other teachers of the same subject , she knew how to make you be curious about how everything works in nature, in human body, yeah i just had theorycal classes and some seminaries where we had to participate  but i enjoyed whole of them, i´ve always loved biology since i was a child and when we have to study things related i really feel confortable,i think its because i have curiousity about how is everything in this world,the known and unknown,just for example it is said we just know the 15%  of species in whole world at the moment, just try to imagine what could we do if we get and learn how to use that knowlegdement in responsible way, i´m grateful about teaching i´ve recieved so far, now yeah im in chemistry and pharmacy career and its suppose i should like more chemistry than biology,but its something i´ve grown up with and i think it will be like that for a lot years more

Friday, July 5, 2019

An expert on your field

everyone in this world has someone who admire,a person who make things that make us be fascinated,inspired,amazed, as you know i´m in the chemistry and pharmacy career where i´ve learned a lot of things,today i´ll talk about someone who made great advances about chemistry field,im talking about Marie Curie,yeah probably you don´t know who is she (that include me),well she was a polish scientist who spent her life researching about radiation,she made greats discovering like the tech for isolation of radioactive isotopes and the discovering of two new elements being the first one getting two nobel prize in differents specialties : chemistry and physics.the reason why im talking about her its coz she made discoverings which helped to improve researching in scientist field, i´ve always wanted create something new, find something as marie did,change the world looking for something new what will be useful for the world's future, just think about all the people who helped to make the world we see today,with medicine,technology, be part of that people will be something amazing for me, the reason why marie curie took my attention is that she belong to people who made something ,and that "something" helped to other people and their lives,making a road to new generations 

Marie Curie Tekniska museet.jpg

Friday, June 28, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

well today i'll talk to you about my dog,his name is kendo(yeah rare but unique),he is a young and playful pitbull we get him in 2018 with my big brother,since he was a puppy ,he always was running  from one place to another ,so energic,i know that today the pitbulls are considered a dangerous kind of dog but this is not completely true,any pet can be dangerous or meek,it depends of the kind of care you give him ,since he came to our house we teach him to behave,we was some strict but we always  made him felt loved, we made a lot of things,take a walk,going to the beach,in the car ,we always were with him,but the last year when my big brother traveled to Australia and i moved to another house we had to take him to my parent's house,it was not easy,he always made us happy,always shaking his tail and jumping, bitting the courtains (sometimes) we considered him (until now) as a member of our family,at present he is in arica,taking care of my mother,in holiday i like take a walk with him to the beach and play as before,i think the reason why he turned so important to us is that he always was happy,he used to remind us you don´t need great or expensive thing to enjoy your life,all that you need is good friends,your family and your dreams.

                                                      here is,in glory and majesty,kendo

Monday, June 17, 2019

the story of my favourite photograph

since i arrived to Santiago,i have had problems looking for stars in the city,when i was a child i had the good luck to see the whole sky in the night,something beautiful, Arica (my town) is in the north of Chile,far away from great city´s lights,advertisements, a good place to be an astronomer and see the firmament haha,the next pic is a nebula, when i was a kid i used to ask myself "what is space?, what can you see?, probably... the beginning and end of some constellations? how the life in a world is created?What is in the unknown? ",think about the things you can see there fill me of emotion and that´s the reason why i like it,this pic of a nebula was created by windows (i guess) as a wallpaper in 2014,yeah this takes away the image's charm,but the color ,contrast,see the cosmic powder (because that´s what is a nebula) makes me feel for a second how would be see it...

Resultado de imagen para nebulosa azul

Friday, June 14, 2019

My favourite book OR film

since i was a child i liked to watch films,amazing worlds created by the creativity of directors, science- fiction,fantasy,action,are some kinds of movies i like,today i´ll talk to you about a particulary film that called my attention when i saw it the last year,the movie´s name is "the founder", the plot of this movie is about the mcdonalds company and its origins,the story presents the beginnings of Ray Kroc, a frustrated salesman ,until he comes across the small but successful business of the brothers Mac (Maurice) and Dick (Richard) McDonalds. These two very confident brothers with an almost romantic idea to do and build businesses, establish relationships with a man who enhances the idea, creates an emporium and literally seizes it. The film focuses in the ruthless way in which the famous Ray Kroc snatches the business from the original creators,the reason why i liked this movie and i recomend you is the dialogues and scenes of this film show the greed and raw hunger for power of people with a perspective closer to reality, which opens the mind and gives to think about how things are in some parts of the world

Resultado de imagen para the founder

Sunday, June 2, 2019

your favourite piece of technology

hi pals,well today in this post i´ll talk about my favourite piece of technology, i know today we have a lot of technological devices at our reach,computers,smartphones,smart TV´s ,smartwatchs (everything "smart") but in my case, my favorite piece of technology is a retro type, me and my brothers used to use the playstation 1,it was a birthday´s gift from my parents,i was 8 years old so as you could imagine i played a lot videogames like crash bandicoot or winning eleven hahaha,i apreciate it because it remind me good times i spent with friends and family after school, at present it´s decomposed but i still keep it, i think that my childhood without it would have been...well not so bad but yeah some boring,that´s my favourite piece of technology,i told you it was retro hahahaha not good like a notebook or ipad but yeah really funny and special,that´s all pals,what about yours?

Friday, May 24, 2019

why did you choose your career?

well my friends as you i had nervious about my own choice,first, i love medicine,i always  (since i was a child) wanted to become a doctor,the reason: save my family and friends  if one day they need help, i always (until now) dreamed about change the world,discover cures,help to the people,that was the reason why i wanted to become a doctor,now im in chemistry and pharmacy`s career,yeah you probably think "im in this career because i couldn`t be a medic" and yeah you are right but thats not the reason why i stayed here,i really love work in lab,and when i failed entering to medicine i thought "hey i want to discover new things,learn things that i dont know, i want to be able to create new cures" and thinking about it i choose this career, since i came to this university i met a lot of people,good friends,good places,im still have my dream about become a medic,but i thing that to make real my dream i need this knowledge,now i`d like study toxicology,or be in a clinic , but my real dream now  is have my own hospital, a research center when me and my group could find cures,i dont know if someday i could make it real,but i`d like begin something that someone will end in the future,after all we are in this world to teach the new generations about our mistakes,thats my story and the dream i have ,at the moment i love my career,i love my life and i think that above all i made the correct choose, i hope u enjoyed this pals :D

Friday, April 5, 2019

getting to know each other

Hi Pals, my name is Omar Laime , i was born on December 29 of 1995 in a Little city from Chile’s north called Arica (really it’s a little city) I have 2 brothers ,an older of 28 years old and another younger of 22,I lived in Arica’s city until the year 2014

When I was 19 years old I left the city to study the nursing career in andres bello university in viña del mar, a city located in the Valparaiso region, a fishing and tourism place

During my two years in viña del mar I had the good luck of meeting incredible people, good friends with whom I spent very good time, I saw exotic places like dunes of con con , the wetland, the sausalito´s lake among others.

When I was 21 years old I went to live in Santiago city where I began my studies in the chile´s university in the career of chemistry and pharmacy in 2017

At the moment I continue my studies in this university, my plans for future are getting my university degree, traveling to know the whole world and one day having my own investigation´s lab

Greetings pals,have a nice day