Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

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since i came to college i´ve had a lot of subject , chemistry, stadistic, english, but if i had to choose just one i´ll choose with closed eyes the biology subject, i always used to read scientific articules,when i was 12 year old (moreless, im not sure) i was in a scientific academy and here in college  i had the good luck of have as a teacher jennifer avalos, compared to other teachers of the same subject , she knew how to make you be curious about how everything works in nature, in human body, yeah i just had theorycal classes and some seminaries where we had to participate  but i enjoyed whole of them, i´ve always loved biology since i was a child and when we have to study things related i really feel confortable,i think its because i have curiousity about how is everything in this world,the known and unknown,just for example it is said we just know the 15%  of species in whole world at the moment, just try to imagine what could we do if we get and learn how to use that knowlegdement in responsible way, i´m grateful about teaching i´ve recieved so far, now yeah im in chemistry and pharmacy career and its suppose i should like more chemistry than biology,but its something i´ve grown up with and i think it will be like that for a lot years more


  1. I love biology!!, I always carry it in my heart and every time I can I read some topic related to this.

  2. Biology is such an interesting subject, the nature is perfect

  3. biology is pretty but difficult at the same time, I find it difficult to learn so many specific names.

  4. How great that you like biology, I will always prefer chemistry
