Friday, June 14, 2019

My favourite book OR film

since i was a child i liked to watch films,amazing worlds created by the creativity of directors, science- fiction,fantasy,action,are some kinds of movies i like,today i´ll talk to you about a particulary film that called my attention when i saw it the last year,the movie´s name is "the founder", the plot of this movie is about the mcdonalds company and its origins,the story presents the beginnings of Ray Kroc, a frustrated salesman ,until he comes across the small but successful business of the brothers Mac (Maurice) and Dick (Richard) McDonalds. These two very confident brothers with an almost romantic idea to do and build businesses, establish relationships with a man who enhances the idea, creates an emporium and literally seizes it. The film focuses in the ruthless way in which the famous Ray Kroc snatches the business from the original creators,the reason why i liked this movie and i recomend you is the dialogues and scenes of this film show the greed and raw hunger for power of people with a perspective closer to reality, which opens the mind and gives to think about how things are in some parts of the world

Resultado de imagen para the founder

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