Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

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since i came to college i´ve had a lot of subject , chemistry, stadistic, english, but if i had to choose just one i´ll choose with closed eyes the biology subject, i always used to read scientific articules,when i was 12 year old (moreless, im not sure) i was in a scientific academy and here in college  i had the good luck of have as a teacher jennifer avalos, compared to other teachers of the same subject , she knew how to make you be curious about how everything works in nature, in human body, yeah i just had theorycal classes and some seminaries where we had to participate  but i enjoyed whole of them, i´ve always loved biology since i was a child and when we have to study things related i really feel confortable,i think its because i have curiousity about how is everything in this world,the known and unknown,just for example it is said we just know the 15%  of species in whole world at the moment, just try to imagine what could we do if we get and learn how to use that knowlegdement in responsible way, i´m grateful about teaching i´ve recieved so far, now yeah im in chemistry and pharmacy career and its suppose i should like more chemistry than biology,but its something i´ve grown up with and i think it will be like that for a lot years more

Friday, July 5, 2019

An expert on your field

everyone in this world has someone who admire,a person who make things that make us be fascinated,inspired,amazed, as you know i´m in the chemistry and pharmacy career where i´ve learned a lot of things,today i´ll talk about someone who made great advances about chemistry field,im talking about Marie Curie,yeah probably you don´t know who is she (that include me),well she was a polish scientist who spent her life researching about radiation,she made greats discovering like the tech for isolation of radioactive isotopes and the discovering of two new elements being the first one getting two nobel prize in differents specialties : chemistry and physics.the reason why im talking about her its coz she made discoverings which helped to improve researching in scientist field, i´ve always wanted create something new, find something as marie did,change the world looking for something new what will be useful for the world's future, just think about all the people who helped to make the world we see today,with medicine,technology, be part of that people will be something amazing for me, the reason why marie curie took my attention is that she belong to people who made something ,and that "something" helped to other people and their lives,making a road to new generations 

Marie Curie Tekniska museet.jpg