Monday, September 23, 2019

The most embarrasing moment i'm willing to admit.

hi  everybody , today i´ll talk to you about an embarrasing moment of my life that happened  when i was 14 years old ( we are talking about the year 2010 moreless) ,all this begin with my high school´s aniversary, in my high school we used to do some competitions and championships like football,basketball, disguise parties,food competition  in those days,and as you can guess obviously we have to had an alliance´s pet,i was new in school (all this happened in first year) i met new people , so funny and really rally good friends,so one day when was in break the guys asked me "hey ,why dont you are the pet of the alliance ?..." when i heared that i thought " never my dear friend," but i was so excited to met new people and a new place that when i realized  from my mouth went out the words : "ok why not?" hahaha,when i answered  my friends told me  "nice,the competitions begin in 20 min" so i was like "ohhh what did i do?". Just to continue the story: have you ever heared of smurfs? well i guess you can imagine where´s the story is going to...
Some girls from my class came and gave me a white pants,a blue shirt,blue paint,and as the cherry of the cake a beautiful white plastic bag from supermarket (lider) which i used as a cap (yeah imagine your worst nightmares and gave them a blue color hahaha) i was ready with the outfit so i follow the girls to the  football field ,we were five pets (incluiding me) ,barney the dinosaur, a banana man ,the yellow bird of plaza sesamo,"el chapulin colorado" (the red grasshoper) and finally me hahaha,we have a competition where  we have to play football but blinded, yeah it wasn´t the best idea of the world but hey we were child,you have to live when u have the oportunity ,at last we lost the match but at least i wasn´t tackled like the poor barney hahaha, it was a really embarrasing moment at the beginning but when we started to play everyone went so crazy that i just could laugh of everything was happening, its a really good memory now that im thinking about it .

                                          a representation of that mitical moment...
Resultado de imagen para tacleada a barney el dinosaurio